I have a lot more pictures to post but haven't had the time. We went to my parents, and had the ultimate easer egg hunt... I found $38 and jimmy found $12, but he did find more candy ha. Then we headed over to our Aunt Cathys to have another easter dinner and it was great to see all of our family. Here are a couple of pictures that I took right before Maylee was going to bed on easter day. She is starting to try and sit up, she plays with her feet all day long, smacks her lips, pushes her body off yours while cuddling to see you, gets so excited when I make a bottle and tries to suck the side when I am holding it, and my favorite gives me eskimo kisses (i'll try to upload the video). But since I don't have the time today, here is a quick little update of our soooo big 5 month old!